Introduction to Ultralight Airplanes

Latest poll results: Most readers from North America

As usual I would like the share the results of our latest poll with you. The poll "Let's see where each of us is" was answered by 1019 visitors which isn't bad.

677 of them or 66% are from North America
Then follows Western Europe with 103 respondents (10%).
A good number of readers - 74 or 7% are from Eastern Europe.
The next largest group are the 65 readers from Asia which makes 6%.
35 or about 3% people are from Asutralia or New Zealand.
Roughly 3% (30 votes) were from Africa.
Only 25 readers are from South America which is a bit of surpise. Perhaps the reason is many people there are reading our Spanish version.
And finally 10 of the people who replied (about 1%) are living in an island country.

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