Here Are Some Of The Best Discussion Forums About Ultralight Airplanes
The Web is huge and full with all kind of sites on about every topic you can think of. But for us, the fans of the ultralight aviation, there are very few places to visit. Except this site there are just a few ones which pay attention to the ultralight airplanes and helicopters (excluding those which try to sell you something).
Fortunately there are many people like you and me who are interested in the ultralight and microlight aircrafts. Some of them have a lot to share if you can find a way to communicate with them. One of the best things you can do in order to find other people who share your aviation interest is to look at the online discussion forums.
Doing the research for this site I have looked at many different aviation forums and newsgroups online. Most of them are not specialized only in the ultralight flying, but have the appropriate sections. In this small article I want to share with you the few good discussion forums that you can visit and talk or read more about the ultralight airplanes.
The membership in all the forums listed here is free. Why am I saying that? You probably expect that all online forums are free? Well I expected the same, but discovered that many of the forums in the aviation business require you to pay for membership.
The Aviation Forum
This is a small, very friendly and nice discussion forum. Covers General Aviation, Military Aviation, Airlines, Flight Simulation and more. Saying "small" I mean it does not contain huge folders with hundreds of subforums. But otherwise it is pretty active having 7,608 members and 11,324 threads at the time of writing this review.
Sport Pilot Talk
Sport Pilot Talk is not very active forum, there are just few posts each day. At the time of writing this there were 458 registered users. The topics are divided into more categories - Hangar Talk, Light Sport Aircraft, Training, Partnerships, Flying Clubs and more. You can also get a specific question answered by professionals in Ask The Examiner, Ask The Insurance Agent and Ask The Mechanic sections.
Wings Forum
Wings Forum started ambitiously with a lot of sections and folders. Unfortunately the forum is not very active today and worst of all, there are some spammers who are flooding the discussions from time to time. Otherwise it's a good discussion board giving you the opportunity to find threads about specific aircraft types very easy. I would be happier if there was also a folder dedicated only to ultralight aviation. Currently they have 194 registered users.
rec . aviation . ultralight
This is an Ultralight Discussion Group on Google Groups. It is not exactly a forum, but is one of the very few resources dedicated only to the ultralight airplanes. You can ask or discuss everything as long as you stay on topic. You can also check the related groups rec.aviation.homebuilt and rec.aviation.rotorcraft which appear on the right side there.
I hope you will find the above discussion forums interesting and sometimes very useful. There are also some paid forums which look nice. I am planning to register in some of them and as soon as this happen, we will add more reviews. Thus you will know if it is worth to join them and pay the fees.
Are you interested in a forum especially about ultralight aviation? We can create a free one here, just let us know. You can use the comment option below this article.
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User comments:
Erik Lee at Oct, 27 '14 16:51
re: Ultralights used in Search & Rescue: I am newly involved in search and rescue in a very rural, wooded area with large bodies of water. People (hikers/campers) go missing every now-and-then in our area. I would like to know if anyone may have qualitative information about ultralight aircraft being used for search and rescue services within the United States.
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